
georgetakei , to Random avatar
RVLara23 , avatar

@georgetakei she's right. That's so gross. Such a ridiculous broadcasting decision to put them in that position.

This is probably one of the worst case scenarios but they're all kinds of innocent sports fans falling victim to the cameras anymore for a variety of reasons and being turned into memes and whatnot.

TLDR - show fans more respect ESPECIALLY women fans when you damn well know what's going to happen on interpretation.

raiaren , avatar

@georgetakei Agreed.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
soundconjurer , avatar

@georgetakei , that ridiculous looking spray tan is going to have me put in a concentration camp. 😰

Beachbum , avatar

@georgetakei As many have been saying; enjoy tomorrow, it may be our last Fourth of July. No, I don’t believe that, not for one minute. We will work our tails off to save our constitutional republic. We are not going to fail Benjamin Franklin. We will keep it.

arstechnica , to Random avatar
leemoknows , avatar

@arstechnica We still get weekly spam add through the fax machine. How?? Who in the world still has a fax spamming setup these days lol?

greg , avatar

@arstechnica @godnojoe I predict floppy disks will come back again, like the LP.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

The Supreme Court's recent decision on presidential immunity is complex and, frankly, alarming. Understanding its impact on our democracy can be challenging. Thankfully, The Big Picture has broken it down in their latest article. This essential read explores how the ruling could enable presidential abuses of power and what it means for Trump’s ongoing legal issues. If you care about the future of our Republic, take the time to read and understand what’s at stake.

gtvracer , avatar

@georgetakei Biden should officially make it into law that felons cannot be president and if any former president becomes a felon, they lose all benefits thereof (pension, protection, etc)

andrewzabar ,

@georgetakei it’s just one more step in their complete consolidation of total power. They shred the Constitution one bit at a time, the courts are owned, little bit more every day. And America’s greatest modern achievement is apathy.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
C0ppert0p , avatar

@georgetakei just waiting for the shot to ring out

Stormcat , avatar

@georgetakei yup, time to start erecting the guillotines in public squares, it's time to remind potential kings what happens when you act in defiance to your citizens.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

In "How Men Like Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, And Brock Turner Are Made," writer Amelia Mavis Christnot explores the roots of toxic masculinity and privilege. From Ivy League halls to positions of power, see how entitlement shapes behavior and fuels impunity. A powerful read—dive in now by visiting The Big Picture.

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@georgetakei Very well written article. What always amazes me isn't so much the toxic people who grew up surrounded by privilege and yes-people becoming so terrible as the way society, as a whole, bends over backwards to enable them to do so even outside of applicable context. For example, when they were "investigating" Kavanaugh and intentionally chose not to interview witnesses and to ask almost no questions, that was no ivy league school -- he was being appointed as a Supreme Court justice.

JoeTheDumber ,

@georgetakei I’m looking for combat veterans who want to address the loss of the democracy we fought for. To have a few privileged misfits ending this 250 yr democracy is not sitting well with me. We need to take it to them up close.

rbreich , to Random avatar

In his presidential immunity opinion, Chief Justice Roberts accused Justice Sotomayor and the two other Democratic-appointed justices who joined her in dissent, of “fearmongering on the basis of extreme hypotheticals.”

He's wrong. Let me explain.

murraymitchell , avatar

@rbreich what if Biden , in jest, orders seal team 6 to assasinate his rivals for the November vote? What will the SCOTUS do then?

DreamingBard2024 , avatar


It isn't extreme to think that someone might abuse the power to break the law with impunity in a nation where, just a few short years ago, one of the candidates for the highest office in the land incited, willfully, an armed assault on democracy and other officers of their government in direct violation of the oath they took when they assumed the mantle of the presidency.

In fact, it would be incredibly naive to believe anything else. Chief Justice Roberts doesn't even believe what he is saying; he's only mouthing nonsense to try to distract the people of America from what a card-carrying Batman villain he is.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Isn't it ironic 🎵

natureshelperokanaganhighlands , avatar

@georgetakei was that not amanda?

JanetGrBr , avatar

@georgetakei If it doesn't have pockets, I make pockets.

rbreich , to Random avatar
sglerman95814 , avatar

Seriously, I would rather vote for President Biden's dog, Major than former President Trump.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Soda additive “no longer considered safe,” gets long-awaited FDA ban

Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is used in citrus sodas but has largely been phased out.

Starcade , avatar


It's funny how manufacturers were quiet about phasing it out in the US. Apparently the EU banned it long before we did.

Yes, it WAS in Mountain Dew.

Also, it's interesting that there's articles on the internet that resurface every few months saying it's still in drinks, even after it was removed-- probably because, it was never mentioned as being removed.

phaysis , avatar

@arstechnica Brominated vegetable oil was in OK Cola, so, eh.

kde , (edited ) to KDE avatar

Learn how to reduce the power usage and make your apps more accessible in 8 minutes flat.


be4foss , avatar

@Allon @simple Exactly, it enables automation of user behavior so one can measure energy consumption in a replicable way.

This measurement method is described in detail here (see Fig. 4 for lab setup):

MatthiasMailaender , avatar

@kde @kde Have you measured Akonadi based applications? I just had to uninstall Kontact because the memory consumption brought down my computer.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
Juice8767 , avatar

@georgetakei That’s a bummer that he feels that way. That laugh is contagious, it rules.

MatthewChat , avatar
georgetakei , to Random avatar
AJSnook , avatar


METRES !!!!!

For God's sake people, learn the difference.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

384,000 sites link to code library caught performing supply-chain attack

Many website admins, it seems, have yet to get memo to remove Polyfill[.]io links.

nicolaottomano , avatar

Wait once it happens to jQuery or FontAwesome...

asmaloney , avatar

@arstechnica It's not really a "supply chain" - it's a dependency. "supply chain" implies some kind of financial arrangement that simply doesn't exist when using a random person's git repo.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

The hunt for the most efficient heat pump in the world

A new generation of engineers has realized they can push heat pumps to the limit.

artfulrobot , avatar

@arstechnica coefficient of performance above 5! Incredible.

robloblaw , avatar
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